But never let that stop you from sciencing, kids. |
All mockingbirds are mimics, of course, but the one living outside my apartment is especially vocally talented and he has a lot of sounds in his repertoire that there's no way he picked up anywhere near the vicinity of my concrete-bunker home. I set a stopwatch and in the space of 2:20 minutes, he went multiple times through the following impressions, all of them quite good:
Red-winged Blackbird (calls and song)
Eastern Towhee (call)
European Starling
Northern Cardinal (2 different song variations)
Common Yellowthroat
Carolina Wren (song and call)
Tufted Titmouse
Red-tailed Hawk (the fact that this was always paired with the jay makes me think the mockingbird was imitating a Blue Jay imitating a Red-tailed Hawk. It's like a bird within a bird within a bird. Inception bird.)
Blue Jay
Belted Kingfisher
There were also several other generic bird sounds and a sound that was possibly trying to be an ambulance siren. Then at the 2:20.47 mark, my neighbor leaned out his window and screamed "IF THAT STUPID BIRD DOESN'T SHUT UP I'M GONNA SHOOT IT." End of science, until next time.
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